Peace to all the brothers and sisters!

In the year 2020, we need God’s revelations to clearly see our directions ahead and step forward despite the headwind! In the future, we can expect several strong winds coming—plague, financial crisis, famine, political unrest, etc. Therefore, it’s especially important to offer our firstfruits in the spring. If you have not done so, I encourage you to catch up soon! Don’t miss this opportunity!

Firstfruits represent what we set apart as holy to be offered to God. When we willingly offer by faith the seeds that symbolize our year’s worth of harvest, investment, ministry, mission, and gospel, we are declaring God’s sovereignty over our finances, investment, ministry, mission, and gospel targets!

As the nations of the world are frequently shaken, we must be rooted in God’s Kingdom and ask for His Kingdom first! For there is no other unshakeable kingdom other than God’s Kingdom! When we obey God’s laws by aligning our timetables to God’s festivals, we will be able to step into the cycles of prosperity instead of being dragged around by the world.

The 50 days between the Festival of Firstfruits and Festival of Weeks (Pentecost) is the perfect time for us to continue watering the fields with our prayers. During this period, we must pray for God’s spring rain to pour down, so that we can welcome another wave of wheat harvest on Pentecost (5/29)! Lev. 23:17-22, “‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you. I am the Lord your God.’”

Obey God’s laws and you will receive the next wave of harvest. You will not only be self-sufficient but also have more than enough to share with those in need! Let’s practice together before the Pentecost on 5/29. (Read the above verse, pray according to the following instructions)


I. Bless the Firstfruits and Finances

Lev 23:10-11 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you and you reap its harvest, bring to the priest a sheaf of the first grain you harvest. He is to wave the sheaf before the Lord so it will be accepted on your behalf; the priest is to wave it on the day after the Sabbath.

Prov 3:9-10 Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.

Pray and declare the downpour of spring rain. Receive: 1, financial blessing and hundred-time harvest; 2, blessing of “waving”—let this blessing flow among us as it is waved back and forth, to and fro; 3, becoming “living water” and “flowing well” so that the blessings will not stagnate.


II. Bless the Priests (Pastors and Preachers)

Ezek 44:30 The best of all the firstfruits and of all your special gifts will belong to the priests. You are to give them the first portion of your ground meal so that a blessing may rest on your household.

According to the Old Testament, firstfruits belong to the priests (for priests are God’s representatives). Priests from the tribe of Levi are themselves the firstfruits of Israel, belonging to God. Therefore, when people offer their firstfruits to the priests, spiritual blessings will follow.

Pray for the pastors and preachers: 1, spiritual revival, in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit; 2, health in body, soul, and family; 3, loyalty, faith, and holiness.

Isa 54:17 no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord.


III. Remember Christ

1 Cor 15:20-23 But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep… But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him.

Jesus Christ is the firstfruits of all mankind! He is the hope for resurrection!

Pray: 1, with thanksgiving to Jesus for dying and resurrecting for us; 2, that we may follow Jesus Christ’s example of righteousness, love, compassion, obedience, and self-sacrifice…; 3, to declare that our body, soul, and spirit will be resurrected and filled with the breath of God.


IV. Bless Ourselves and Gospel Fruits

Jas 1:18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.

We are born through the word of truth and redeemed through the seal of Jesus Christ’s precious blood. Christians are the firstfruits of all God has created and must resurrect first.

Pray: 1, with thanksgiving to Lord Jesus for choosing us and giving us the salvation grace, so that we can become the firstfruits, set apart from all peoples to belong to Him; 2, for your adopted gospel friends this year to be counted as part of the firstfruits; 3, for Holy Spirit’s gracious rain to come through all media including the internet and bless us with great spiritual harvest of a hundred times this year.



About Me

Fruitful Life Christian Church Vancouver


巨人要這樣打 胡惟開 牧師 Ps. Daniel Hu | 2025.01.12 - 主日崇拜#豐盛生命靈糧堂 #主日崇拜 #基督教 #生命巨人都要倒下#Christian
巨人要這樣打 胡惟開 牧師 Ps. Daniel Hu | 2025.01.12 - 主日崇拜#豐盛生命靈糧堂 #主日崇拜 #基督教 #生命巨人都要倒下#Christian
6 days ago
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求上面的事{精彩時刻}| 胡耀文 牧師 Rev. Frank Hu | 2024.12.29 #豐盛生命靈糧堂 #主日崇拜 #基督教 #你的生命思念什麼 #Christian🔥
求上面的事{精彩時刻}| 胡耀文 牧師 Rev. Frank Hu | 2024.12.29 #豐盛生命靈糧堂 #主日崇拜 #基督教 #你的生命思念什麼 #Christian🔥
2 weeks ago
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對齊與權柄 {精彩時刻}| 胡耀文 牧師 Rev. Frank Hu | 2024.12.29 #豐盛生命靈糧堂 #主日崇拜 #基督教 #打倒生命中的巨人 #Christian
對齊與權柄 {精彩時刻}| 胡耀文 牧師 Rev. Frank Hu | 2024.12.29 #豐盛生命靈糧堂 #主日崇拜 #基督教 #打倒生命中的巨人 #Christian
3 weeks ago
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🌟 你曾經感到孤單嗎?
「You have always been there - 祢一直都在」
🎄 在這個特別的日子,豐盛生命靈糧堂誠摯邀請您
⭐️ 兩千年前,耶穌降生馬槽
📍 時間:12/22 (週日) 上午10:00
📍 地點:豐盛生命靈糧堂
5 W King Edward Ave, Vancouver
🫂 除了戲劇之外,當天還有觸動人心的敬拜、舞蹈與聖誕信息
👋🏻 無論您是否相信上帝
一起經歷那份溫暖的同在 ✨
🌟 你曾經感到孤單嗎? 第一個聖誕節,神以最謙卑的方式來到人間 只為了一個單純的心願:與人同在 「You have always been there - 祢一直都在」 🎄 在這個特別的日子,豐盛生命靈糧堂誠摯邀請您 一同探索聖誕節最動人的真義: 原來,生命中最深的渴望,不是得到什麼 而是「有一個愛我的神願意陪伴、了解、同行」 ⭐️ 兩千年前,耶穌降生馬槽 為要走進人群,觸摸每顆孤單的心 今天,這份愛依然溫暖著世界 祂等著與你相遇🩷❤️🧡 📍 時間:12/22 (週日) 上午10:00 📍 地點:豐盛生命靈糧堂 5 W King Edward Ave, Vancouver 🫂 除了戲劇之外,當天還有觸動人心的敬拜、舞蹈與聖誕信息 👋🏻 無論您是否相信上帝 都歡迎來領受耶穌真摯的陪伴 一起經歷那份溫暖的同在 ✨
1 month ago
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🏠 在豐盛生命靈糧堂,每個人都是你的家人!這是一個溫暖的屬靈家庭,這裡有真摯的關懷、歡樂的笑聲,還有充滿愛的擁抱。每週日早上10點,讓我們一起經歷神的同在,用心靈與誠實一起敬拜,一起聆聽神!
📍地點:5 W. King Edward Ave., Vancouver
🕙時間:每週日 10:00am
✨特色:中英雙語 | 溫馨團契 | 活出神應許的豐盛生命
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#溫哥華教會 #豐盛生命 #靈糧堂 #教會生活
🏠 在豐盛生命靈糧堂,每個人都是你的家人!這是一個溫暖的屬靈家庭,這裡有真摯的關懷、歡樂的笑聲,還有充滿愛的擁抱。每週日早上10點,讓我們一起經歷神的同在,用心靈與誠實一起敬拜,一起聆聽神!
📍地點:5 W. King Edward Ave., Vancouver
🕙時間:每週日 10:00am
✨特色:中英雙語 | 溫馨團契 | 活出神應許的豐盛生命
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#溫哥華教會 #豐盛生命 #靈糧堂 #教會生活
🏠 在豐盛生命靈糧堂,每個人都是你的家人!這是一個溫暖的屬靈家庭,這裡有真摯的關懷、歡樂的笑聲,還有充滿愛的擁抱。每週日早上10點,讓我們一起經歷神的同在,用心靈與誠實一起敬拜,一起聆聽神!
📍地點:5 W. King Edward Ave., Vancouver
🕙時間:每週日 10:00am
✨特色:中英雙語 | 溫馨團契 | 活出神應許的豐盛生命
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#溫哥華教會 #豐盛生命 #靈糧堂 #教會生活
🏠 在豐盛生命靈糧堂,每個人都是你的家人!這是一個溫暖的屬靈家庭,這裡有真摯的關懷、歡樂的笑聲,還有充滿愛的擁抱。每週日早上10點,讓我們一起經歷神的同在,用心靈與誠實一起敬拜,一起聆聽神!
📍地點:5 W. King Edward Ave., Vancouver
🕙時間:每週日 10:00am
✨特色:中英雙語 | 溫馨團契 | 活出神應許的豐盛生命
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#溫哥華教會 #豐盛生命 #靈糧堂 #教會生活
🏠 在豐盛生命靈糧堂,每個人都是你的家人!這是一個溫暖的屬靈家庭,這裡有真摯的關懷、歡樂的笑聲,還有充滿愛的擁抱。每週日早上10點,讓我們一起經歷神的同在,用心靈與誠實一起敬拜,一起聆聽神!
📍地點:5 W. King Edward Ave., Vancouver
🕙時間:每週日 10:00am
✨特色:中英雙語 | 溫馨團契 | 活出神應許的豐盛生命
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#溫哥華教會 #豐盛生命 #靈糧堂 #教會生活
🏠 在豐盛生命靈糧堂,每個人都是你的家人!這是一個溫暖的屬靈家庭,這裡有真摯的關懷、歡樂的笑聲,還有充滿愛的擁抱。每週日早上10點,讓我們一起經歷神的同在,用心靈與誠實一起敬拜,一起聆聽神!
📍地點:5 W. King Edward Ave., Vancouver
🕙時間:每週日 10:00am
✨特色:中英雙語 | 溫馨團契 | 活出神應許的豐盛生命
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#溫哥華教會 #豐盛生命 #靈糧堂 #教會生活
🏠 在豐盛生命靈糧堂,每個人都是你的家人!這是一個溫暖的屬靈家庭,這裡有真摯的關懷、歡樂的笑聲,還有充滿愛的擁抱。每週日早上10點,讓我們一起經歷神的同在,用心靈與誠實一起敬拜,一起聆聽神!
📍地點:5 W. King Edward Ave., Vancouver
🕙時間:每週日 10:00am
✨特色:中英雙語 | 溫馨團契 | 活出神應許的豐盛生命
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#溫哥華教會 #豐盛生命 #靈糧堂 #教會生活
🏠 在豐盛生命靈糧堂,每個人都是你的家人!這是一個溫暖的屬靈家庭,這裡有真摯的關懷、歡樂的笑聲,還有充滿愛的擁抱。每週日早上10點,讓我們一起經歷神的同在,用心靈與誠實一起敬拜,一起聆聽神!
📍地點:5 W. King Edward Ave., Vancouver
🕙時間:每週日 10:00am
✨特色:中英雙語 | 溫馨團契 | 活出神應許的豐盛生命
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#溫哥華教會 #豐盛生命 #靈糧堂 #教會生活
🏠 在豐盛生命靈糧堂,每個人都是你的家人!這是一個溫暖的屬靈家庭,這裡有真摯的關懷、歡樂的笑聲,還有充滿愛的擁抱。每週日早上10點,讓我們一起經歷神的同在,用心靈與誠實一起敬拜,一起聆聽神!
📍地點:5 W. King Edward Ave., Vancouver
🕙時間:每週日 10:00am
✨特色:中英雙語 | 溫馨團契 | 活出神應許的豐盛生命
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#溫哥華教會 #豐盛生命 #靈糧堂 #教會生活
🏠 在豐盛生命靈糧堂,每個人都是你的家人!這是一個溫暖的屬靈家庭,這裡有真摯的關懷、歡樂的笑聲,還有充滿愛的擁抱。每週日早上10點,讓我們一起經歷神的同在,用心靈與誠實一起敬拜,一起聆聽神! 我們提供中英雙語聚會,無論你是留學生、新移民,還是在溫哥華生活多年的老朋友,都能在這裡找到歸屬! 📍地點:5 W. King Edward Ave., Vancouver 🕙時間:每週日 10:00am ✨特色:中英雙語 | 溫馨團契 | 活出神應許的豐盛生命 點擊📍鏈接集合: 📍 Website: 📍 Facebook: 📍 Instagram: 發掘更多關於我們的故事! 期待與你相遇 💝 #溫哥華教會 #豐盛生命 #靈糧堂 #教會生活
1 month ago
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起來成為守望者{精彩時刻} | 陳沛恩 牧師 Rev. Nancy Chen | 2024.12.15 - #豐盛生命靈糧堂 #主日崇拜 #基督教 #成為守望者 #Christian
起來成為守望者{精彩時刻} | 陳沛恩 牧師 Rev. Nancy Chen | 2024.12.15 - #豐盛生命靈糧堂 #主日崇拜 #基督教 #成為守望者 #Christian
1 month ago
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再愛主多一點{精彩時刻} | 胡耀文 牧師 Rev. Frank Hu | 2024.12.08#豐盛生命靈糧堂 #主日崇拜 #基督教 #你愛主嗎#Christian
1 month ago
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轉化環境的秘訣 {精彩時刻} | 胡耀文 牧師 REV. Frank Hu | 2024.12.01#豐盛生命靈糧堂 #主日崇拜 #基督教 #人生最重要是什麼 #Christian
轉化環境的秘訣 {精彩時刻} | 胡耀文 牧師 REV. Frank Hu | 2024.12.01#豐盛生命靈糧堂 #主日崇拜 #基督教 #人生最重要是什麼 #Christian
2 months ago
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